未来的领导者... 今天

领导 is a complex combination of experiences, 教训, 挑战, self exploration that occur throughout a lifetime.

Leaders are not defined by the title they hold or the role they play, 而是通过他们与他人共同努力实现共同目标的过程.

圣赌博平台网站大全 支持, 指南, 鼓励, 授权 students to become leaders both on campus and around the globe.

marchers hold up signs that read "INSPIRE" during the MLK March




The 圣赌博平台网站大全 CliftonStrengths team offers 1:1 strengths 指导, 学生领袖培养, 学生组织培训, 在线资源, all-campus事件, 还有更多!



在 赌博娱乐平台网址大全.盖洛普.com,进行进一步培训,或通过电子邮件赌博平台网站大全的cliftonstrengthsteam获取更多信息 strengths@赌博娱乐平台网址大全.edu.


Interested in keeping up with CliftonStrengths initiatives on campus? 遵循 @tucliftonstrengths on Instagram for updates on programming, fun facts about strengths, more.

Student 领导 and 服务奖项


The Office of 学生的参与 organizes programs, 培训, 以及鼓励和表彰学生在校园学生组织中的领导和服务的仪式.



Founded in 1914 at Washington and Lee University, ODK是第一个表彰和表彰在课外活动中有功绩的领导和服务的国家大学荣誉协会,并鼓励一般校园公民的发展.

ODK differs from other honors societies in that membership includes students, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友. The organization's structure offers a unique opportunity for collaboration, 指导, extensive interactions between 教师, 工作人员, 和学生.

a group of students 和校友 pose behind a table of ODK induction materials